تقويم المؤتمرات والمعارض لسنة 2015

28 January 2015- 31 January 2015

CHEMTECH + PHARMA World Expo 2015

Bombay Exhibition Center, Goregaon (E), Mumbai, India


Chemtech World Expo 2015 will be the 27th in the chemtech series of exhibitions, and is expected to witness record participaton .Pharma World Expo 2015 will be the 27th in the chemtech series of exhibitions, and is expected to witness record participaton.The Indian chemical industry and Pharma industry, the major sectors of the economy has a growth rate of 10% & 9% respectively. The industry is now focussing on dicovering new products by comressing time and reducing the cost. With Liberized Economy, the multinationals are expanding operations in India and Indian companies are increasingly settign up operations and entering into joint ventures abroad.
Contact   name Chemtech Secretariat
address 26, Maker Chambers VI, Nariman Point, Mumbai – 400 021
tel +91-22-40373737
e-mail expo@worldtradeindia.com
website http://www.chemtech-online.com/events/chemtech/index.php
02 February 2015- 04 February 2015

Pharma Commercial and SFE Summit, MENA

Dubai, Slovakia


The Pharma Commercial and SFE Summit, MENA is a platform for industry leaders to discuss how to adopt global strategies, to drive up sales efficiency through improved training and continue the evolution of closed loop marketing in the MENA region.
Contact   name Mr. Ciaran Chapman
address Trnavska Cesta 12Bratislava
tel +421 221 025 322
fax +421 252 444 220
e-mail enquiry@lloydsconferences.com
website http://pharmasfedubai.com/
03 February 2015

Day of the Hospital Pharmacists in Belgium

website www.azgroeninge.be
04 February 2015- 07 February 2015

PCNE Working Conference 2015

Mechelen, The Netherlands


PCNE has grown-up: 20 years old and now a very active
and strong research network operating across Europe and beyond. In the early days of PCNE, the focus was on documenting the impact and value of pharmaceutical care services, resulting in a strong research evidence base. More recently we have also turned our attention to the core ompetencies required to undertake pharmaceutical care services and to the guidelines to implement such services.
Today we see that the research and the implementation of pharmaceutical care in many countries focus on some of the core activities such as medication management or counselling. However, researchers and practitioners are still struggling to get
pharmaceutical care activities in a broader sense designed and implemented in the best possible way.
The PCNE working conference provides an excellent opportunity to explore and discuss new research methods and concepts for the evaluation and implementation of pharmaceutical care services with like-minded colleagues from across the globe.
Contact   name Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe Professional secretariat
address c/o Margrietlaan 1 9471CT Zuidlaren
e-mail info@pcne.org
website http://www.pcne.org/
07 February 2015

Third Belgian Pharmaceutical Care Symposium

Zemst, Belgium


Zowel op nationaal als internationaal vlak is de rol van de apotheker in volle evolutie, en is er steeds meer aandacht voor de toegevoegde waarde die de apotheker, als geneesmiddelenexpert, kan bieden. Zowel in de eerste lijn als in het ziekenhuis lopen er tal van projecten die hier elk op hun manier toe bijdragen.Voor al deze projecten wil het 3de Belgische Pharmaceutical Care Symposium een platform zijn. Je krijgt er de gelegenheid om ervaringen uit te wisselen met collega’s en experten, en inspiratie uit het buitenland op te doen. Wie deelneemt aan het symposium neemt zeker bruikbare tips mee voor de implementatie van Farmaceutische Zorg in de praktijk, en krijgt zin om zelf projectmatig aan de slag te gaan – dat getuigen de deelnemers aan vorige edities.Dit symposium wordt georganiseerd door CWOA, de wetenschappelijke afdeling van APB, in samenwerking met alle Belgische universiteiten en de navormingsinstituten voor apothekers.

Wij hopen van harte u te mogen verwelkomen op 7 februari!

Veerle Foulon (KU Leuven) & Carine De Vriese (ULB)

Dit symposium richt zich tot u als:

Officina- of ziekenhuisapotheker;
Academicus of onderzoeker;
Zorgverstrekker (arts, verpleegkundige,.);
Partner inzake gezondheidszorg of beleidsmaker

Contact   name APB
address Archimedesstraat 11Brussels
tel +32 (0)2 285 42 00
e-mail info@pharmcare.be
website http://www.pharmcare.be/
17 February 2015- 19 February 2015

7th Annual Patient Recruitment and Retention Summit

Berlin, Slovakia


The 7th Annual Patient Recruitment and Retention Summit is undisputedly the leading Patient Recruitment conference of its kind in Europe. Now in its 7th year this summit will deliver global strategies and solutions that will ensure the successful enrollment of the right patients for your trials. Through knowledge sharing, real-life case studies and extensive networking you will return to your business with concrete ideas to move forward!
Contact   name Mr. Ciaran Chapman
address Trnavska Cesta 12Bratislava
tel +421 221 025 322
fax +421 252 444 220
e-mail enquiry@lloydsconferences.com
website http://patientrecruitmentsummit.com/
02 March 2015- 04 March 2015

2015 Spring Hospital & Healthcare I.T. Conference

Renaissance Orlando SeaWorld, Orlando, FL, United States


Our 2015 Spring Hospital & Healthcare I.T. Conference will give you the opportunity to:
Network with your peers: up to 150 Hospital & Healthcare I.T. Executives from America’s most prestigious hospitals and health systems.
Expand your industry intelligence with cutting-edge educational sessions.
Discover innovative solutions for your department by participating in our Reverse EXPO sessions along with the nation’s leading suppliers.
To top it all off, all of the conference activities – even networking and entertainment – are included with your registration and offered at no cost to you or your facility.
address 65 Business Park Drive LebanonTN 37090
e-mail Amy.Johnson@HLTHCP.com
website https://hlthcp.com
05 March 2015- 06 March 2015

Implementation of Biowaivers based on the Biopharmaceutics Classification System

Buenos Aires, Argentina


The purpose of the event is to provide a forum for South American pharmaceutical scientists to acquaint themselves with current bioequivalence issues, with emphasis on those associated with BCS based biowaivers. A further goal of this workshop is to provide a forum for South American Regulators to discuss harmonization of bioequivalence requirements.
Topics to be covered include Intestinal permeability vs fraction absorbed, BCS vs BDDCS, Methods for Determining Solubility and Permeability of Drugs, BCS-based biowaiver for Class 3 drugs and Effect of Common Excipients on Caco 2 Transport of Low Permeability Drugs, BCS-based biowaiver for Class 2 weak acid drugs, Clinical Relevance of Dissolution Testing in Quality by Design, Dissolution Profile Comparison using alternative approaches (bootstrap, and the others), PBPK model as a tool for extending BCS based biowaiver decisions, In silico Models for the prediction of Solubility and Permeability of drugs, and comparison of current Regulations in Argentina, Brasil, US, EMA and WHO, Chile and Uruguay.
Contact   name Pablo P. Quiroga
address Calle 53 nr 1014 piso 3 dto 3 La Plata Buenos Aires 1900
tel +54221155557604
e-mail quirogapablo@yahoo.com.ar
08 March 2015- 10 March 2015

DUPHAT 2015 Dubai International Pharmaceutical and Technologies Conference & Exhibition

Dubai International Pharmaceuticals and Technologies Conference and Exhibition, United Arab Emirates


DUPHAT the largest pharmaceutical event in the Middle East marked its 20th edition now. The event offers opportunity to discover the latest innovations and ideas from over 420 international manufacturers from more than 73 countries. It also provides indepth coverage of key issues facing the industry through interactive seminars, workshops and conferences. Duphat continues to nurture the future of pharmacists by encouraging students and professionals to join poster presentation.
Contact   name ROMUALDO C. PELENO, JR
address Office 2013 Ibn Sina Medical Complex # 27 Block BPO Box 13636 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
tel +97143624717 EXT 176
fax +971-04-3624718
e-mail romualdo.peleno@index.ae
website www.duphat.ae
16 March 2015- 18 March 2015

5th International Conference and Exhibition on Pharmaceutics & Novel Drug Delivery Systems

Crown Plaza, Dubai, United States


Pharmaceutica-2015 conveys recent developments in Nano-drug delivery systems, novel pre-formulation, formulation approaches and strategies have reoriented the focus of almost all the Pharmaceutical and Biopharmaceutical R&D’s towards Novel Drug Delivery Systems (NDDS). To minimize drug degradation and loss, to prevent harmful side-effects and to increase drug bioavailability and the fraction of the drug accumulated in the required zone, various drug delivery and drug targeting systems are currently under development. A complete knowledge of the relevant therapeutic and physicochemical properties of the drug enables determination of its proper formulation and delivery method.Novel drug delivery systems were not only beneficial for patients, which also less complicated, non-invasive and a reduction in the dose of active ingredients.
The global market for drug delivery systems in 2010 was $131.6 billion and is expected to increase to $137.8 billion by the end of 2011. The market is expected to rise at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5% and reach nearly $175.6 billion by 2016
The U.S. constituted approximately 59% of the total drug delivery market in 2010 and was $78 billion. It is forecast to grow from $82 billion in 2011 to $103 billion in 2016 at a CAGR of 4.7%
Europe contributed about 27% of the total drug delivery market in 2010 and was $36 billion. BCC expects this market to grow to $49 billion by 2016 at a CAGR of 5.6%OMICS Group International is a pioneer and leading scientific event organizer, publishing around 400 Open access journals and conducting over 300 Scientific Meetings all over the globe annually with the support of more than 1000 scientific associations, 30,000 editorial board members, and 3.5 million followers to its credit.
Contact   name OMICS Group Conferences
address 2360 Corporate Circle. Suite 400 Henderson
tel +1-888-843-8169
e-mail pharmaceutica@omicsgroup.com
website http://novel-drugdelivery-systems.pharmaceuticalconferences.com/
18 March 2015- 20 March 2015

Biomarker Summit 2015

San Diego, CA, United States


The Biomarker Summit 2015, to be held on March 18-20, 2015 in San Diego, CA at the Westin San Diego Hotel, is a meeting place for leaders in the field to discuss the issues and challenges scientists and researchers face in all aspects of the biomarker and diagnostic development process from discovery to translation to commercialization.A wide variety of important topics will be covered including biomarker identification, validation, and translation strategies, bioinformatics and systems biology approaches to personalized medicine, big data analytics and management, regulatory and reimbursement trends, companion diagnostics development, and much more. Through scientific presentations, case studies and panel discussions, these areas will be addressed in an intimate and highly interactive environment with perspectives from industry, academia and the public sector.
Contact   name Global Technology Community
address 635 W. Foothill BlvdMonrovia, CA 91016
tel +1-626-256-6405
e-mail infogtcbio@gtcbio.com
website https://www.gtcbio.com/conferences/biomarkers-summit-overview?utm_source=newsletter1&utm_medium=biomarkers&utm_campaign=biomarke
24 March 2015- 25 March 2015

Pharma Congress

Düsseldorf, Germany

Contact   name Pharma Congress 2015
address wissôtel DüsseldorfNeuss – Rheinallee 1, 41460 Neuss
tel +49 6221 84 44 0
fax +49 6221 84 44 84
e-mail info@concept-heidelberg.de
website www.pharma-kongress.com
25 March 2015- 27 March 2015

The European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP)

CCH-Congress Center Hamburg, Belgium

address Rue Abbé Cuypers, 3B-1040 Brussels
tel +32 (0) 2/741.68.29
fax +32 (0) 2/734.79.20
e-mail registration@eahp.eu
website http://www.eahp.eu/
26 March 2015- 27 March 2015


Maputo, Portugal


UTROS ARTIGOS NESTA CATEGORIAAssembleia Regional de LisboaÉpoca de Candidatura ao Título de Especialista em Indústria Farmacêutica

Surto de Doença dos Legionários

Bastonário reuniu com embaixadora de Cuba em Portugal

OF promove apresentação da EurHeCA a outras Ordens da Saúde

address Rua Marechal Saldanha, 1 1249-069 Lisboa
tel + 351 21 340 06 17
e-mail afplp.org@gmail.com
website http://www.afplp.org/
13 April 2015- 14 April 2015

1st European Conference on Pharmaceutics – Drug Delivery

Reims, France


1st European Conference on Pharmaceutics: Drug Delivery – 13-14 April 2015, Reims (40′ from Paris!)-France HOT TOPICS: Drug Targeting, Liposomes and Nanoparticles, Oral Drug Delivery, Pulmonary Drug Delivery, Skin/Vaginal/Rectal/Nasal/Ear/Ocular Drug Delivery, Smart Drug Delivery Systems, Transdermal Drug Delivery, Vaccine Delivery The 1st European Conference on Pharmaceutics will be held in Reims, France, on 13-14 April, 2015. It will be a 2-days meeting including invited plenary lectures, invited talks, short talks, an industrial exhibition and poster presentations. See: www.europeanmeeting.org.
Deadline for abstracts: 15 November!
Sponsoring-exhibition: Please contact Catharina Kroling: apgi.asso@u-psud.fr General information: info@europeanmeeting.org
Contact   name ADRITELF-APGI-APV
address APGI, 5, rue Jean-Baptiste-Clément, 92296 Châtenay-Malabry
tel +49/6131/9769-0
e-mail info@europeanmeeting.org
website http://www.europeanmeeting.org/
24 April 2015- 25 April 2015

The Clinical Pharmacy Congress

ExCel London, United Kingdom


At the heart of this year’s Congress was a seven stream conference hosting a world-class faculty of clinical speakers covering key therapeutic areas along with keynote addresses from prominent healthcare and pharmacy leaders.
he key therapeutic areas covered in the clinical streams, included:Renal disease
Cardiology and anticoagulation
Mental health
Palliative care
Respiratory disease
Plus additional sessions which covered:Technology
Medicines Optimisation
Contact   name CloserStill Media Healthcare Ltd
address Coventry Business Park Herald Avenue Coventry
tel +44 207 348 5250
e-mail info@closerstillmedia.com
website www.pharmacycongress.co.uk/
05 May 2015- 08 May 2015

The 15th International Congress of the International Society for Ethnopharmacology

Petra, Jordan


– Arabian ethnopharmacology.- Arab-European intercultural ethnopharmacology.- Pharmacological and clinical studies of medicinal plants & natural products.

– Ethnobotanical approach to drug discovery: strengths and limitations.

– Naturaceuticals and dietary supplements – traditional to modern.

– Biodiversity and ecological aspects of ethnobotanical sources.

– Theory and methodology in the study of ethnopharmacology.

– Traditional and modern herbal medicinal products in cosmetology.

– Traditional and modern herbal medicinal products in treatment of cancer.

– The ethnoveterinary use of plants in animal health and productivity.

– Analytical assays and quality assurance of ethnopharmacological sources.

Contact   name Dr. Mohammad Sanad Abu- Darwish.
address Shoubak University College, Al-Balqa’ Applied University, Al-Salt 19117
tel +96232165082
e-mail Maa973@yahoo.com
website http://15icse.bau.edu.jo/
27 June 2015- 30 June 2015

12th EACPT Congress

Madrid, Spain


The European Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (EACPT), invite you to participate in the multidisciplinary XII Congress, in which the new technologies, techniques, training and advances in clinical pharmacology, toxicology, clinical trials and more specific topics on the pharmacology field, with experts from Europe and all over the world.
Contact   name Congress Organizer: Tilesa Kenes Spain
address Londres, 17 – 28028, Madrid
tel +34 91 36 12 600
e-mail egouveia@kenes.com
website www.eacpt2015.org
03 August 2015- 05 August 2015

14th International Congress on Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins


11 August 2015- 13 August 2015

International Conference and Expo on Drug Discovery & Designing

Frankfurt, United States


Characterisation of biologically active compounds
Drug development and delivery System
Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship
Drug Development
Methods of Rational Drug Designing
Fragment-Based Drug Discovery
Computer Aided Drug Designing (CADD)
Novel Approaches in Drug Discovery
Challenges in Drug Designing
Recent advancements in research and developments
Contact   name OMICS Group Conferences
address 2360 Corporate Circle. Suite 400 Henderson
tel +1-888-843-8169
fax +1-650-618-1417
e-mail drugdiscovery@omicsgroup.com
website http://drug-discovery.pharmaceuticalconferences.com/help-desk.php
17 August 2015- 19 August 2015

6th Congress on Bioavailability & Bioequivalence: BA/BE Studies Summit

Chicago, United States


OMICS Group is organizing 6thWorld Congress on Bioavailability & Bioequivalence: BA/BE Studies Summit during August 17-19, 2015 Chicago, USA.OMICS International Organises 300+ Conferences Every Year across USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and Publishes 400+ Open access journals which contains over 30000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board members.The Bioavailability Bioequivalence Research Center aims to become a regional center of excellence for assuring the safety and efficacy of generic pharmaceutical products for human use. It plays a key role in the drug development period for both new drug products and their generic equivalents. These studies are also important in the post approval period in the presence of certain manufacturing changes. Information in the overall set of data that ensure the availability of safe and effective medicines to patients and practitioners.

The global market for generic drugs was worth $81 billion in 2008, $84 billion in 2009, estimated to be $168.7 billion in 2014. Sales of U.S. generic drugs currently dominate the market with $54 billion for the 2014. Japan’s generic drugs market is expected to have the highest rate of growth among major markets at 12.2%, increasing from $5.4 billion in 2009 to $9.6 billion in 2014.

By 2016, it is expected that the value of the total global generics sector will have risen to $358 billion. The North American market is estimated to reach to reach nearly $107 billion in 2016 with an increase of 7.9% compound annual growth rate annual growth rate and Emerging market to reach nearly $115 billion.

Contact   name OMICS Group Conferences
address 2360 Corporate Circle. Suite 400 Henderson
tel +1-888-843-8169
e-mail babe@conferenceseries.net
website http://bioavailability-bioequivalence.pharmaceuticalconferences.com/#
01 September 2015- 03 September 2015

APS PharmSci – 2015

University of Nottingham

Contact   name Alan Ramsay
address The Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences
tel +44 116 274 7351
e-mail info@apsgb.org
website www.ukpharmsci.org/
29 September 2015- 03 October 2015

FIP Congress 2015 – Better practice – Science based, evidence driven



The 2015 FIP Congress in Düsseldorf, Germany invites practitioners, researchers and academics from all over the world to delve into the issue of working towards the best possible pharmacy practice which should be based on pharmaceutical sciences and has to be evidence driven, always.
Contact   name Mireille Swakhoven
address Andries Bickerweg 5
tel +31 703021978
fax +31 703021999
e-mail congress@fip.org
website http://www.fip.org/duesseldorf2015
25 October 2015- 29 October 2015

American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS)

Orlando Convention Center. Orlando, Florida, United States


Annual Meeting
Contact   name Jeff Sproehnle
address 2107 Wilson Blvd. Suite 700 ArlingtonVA 22201-3042
tel +1.703.248.4788
fax +1.703.243.9650
e-mail sproehnlej@aaps.org
website http://www.aaps.org